Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Buh Bye....

Sadly the HUGE trees surrounding the house had to be taken out. They posed a number of problems. There was a lot of concern about the potential for damage to the house due to their close proximity to the foundation and the fact that they overhung the roof. Secondly the debris from the trees is the primary reason that we ended up with the need to make SERIOUS roof repairs. Not wanting to deal with that again, the decision was made that the trees had to go!

BEFORE... Three large pines TOWER over the house.

Thank goodness SOMEONE is crazy enough to grab a  chainsaw and climb up a 75ft tall tree using nothing but spiked shoes and a rope!!?!?!?!?!? The photo on the left is from the rear of the house and shows the three trees from the back. It give you a pretty good idea of just how MASSIVE they were. Chris (aka tree guy) is up in the tree on the right in the left picture. In the picture on the right he's leaning back waiting on the guys down below to clear out the branches before he cuts the top off the second tree. 

I didn't take very many more pictures because #1 I was working on operation Bamboozle (more on that later this week) and #2 the guy is up a tree with a rope and a chainsaw. Didn't seem like he'd be up for very much of a photo shoot!

Pretty amazing the difference that getting those trees down made. You can actually see the house and it is what dominates the street view, not the TOWERING giant trees. It also makes it easier to see all of the peeling paint, but that's a project for another day! You can see the scaffolding on porch roof to the right where the guys were working on repairing the damaged caused by the trees in the first place. Glad to have them gone for so many reasons!!


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