The Promise of Spring

The season starts with a dream and faith in the smallest seed.


Even after the harshness of winter, life prevails and surprises.

A pop of color.

Longer days and sunny skies bring a pop of color to brighten the early spring.

Wild times.

Even in the heart of the city, wild things abound.

Ephemeral beauty.

Some are visitors just passing through.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010 - Kickoff Post

Well it may be the middle of winter... 16 degrees at the moment (with wind chill)... but it is time to get the planning for this year's garden underway!

So far I've combed through no less than 9 different seed catalogs.... narrowed it down to 4 catalogs, and made my master list of seeds that I have and seeds that I need to order for 2010. I'll be placing the orders around the 15th or so. That way I'll have everything in (hopefully!) by the middle of February and be ready to get things started the beginning of March!

I've also started working on the plot for the garden. I'll post that as soon as I have it finished. No huge changes... I'll be rotating the beans and tomatoes as much as I can to try and cut down on any disease problems. I'm also going to turn over the entire center bed to the herbs to free up space in the three main beds. They'll have to battle it out with the nasturtiums. That means reducing the amount of ornamental peppers and relocating the heliotropes... but I'm fine with that. I'm also going to be on the look-out for a few more substantial containers to replace the two smaller ones on the corner... so we'll see how that turns out!

More to come!