The Promise of Spring

The season starts with a dream and faith in the smallest seed.


Even after the harshness of winter, life prevails and surprises.

A pop of color.

Longer days and sunny skies bring a pop of color to brighten the early spring.

Wild times.

Even in the heart of the city, wild things abound.

Ephemeral beauty.

Some are visitors just passing through.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Garden Tasks: Week of February 24th

10 Weeks before last spring frost.

Things should be swinging into full gear this week, but I'm still waiting on a bunch of seeds and some supplies too! In the meantime, the second crop of lettuce was planted and I'm starting some eggplants and banana peppers for the veggie plots along with some coreopsis and pansys for first blooms in the flower side of things. 

This week's planting tasks:

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Off to an early start!

Well folks, just 3 days after planting the first seeds I'm happy to report that the first signs of life for the 2009 growing season are begining to appear! It looks like the new light placement and the addition of heat has my little lettuce plants just racing to get up out of their starting blocks! Hopefully this is sign of good things to come!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Garden Tasks: Week of February 17th

11 Weeks before last spring frost.

General Tasks: 
  • Arrival of mail-order seeds and supplies
  • Check in all seeds
  • Prepare seed starting medium

This week's planting tasks:

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Garden Tasks: Week of February 10th

12 Weeks before last spring frost.

General tasks:

  • Finalize garden layout plan
  • Gather all seeds and seed starting equipment
  • Set up seed starting area in basement
  • Complete weekly seed starting calendar for spring starts
This week's planting tasks:

2009 Garden Plan

Hot off the press.... here's the layout and planting diagram for this year's garden:


Spring Fever!

The days are getting longer and it's time to start planning for spring! I've just finished placing orders for all of my vegetable seeds. I'm expanding the garden this year. I'll be converting part of the yard to raised beds so I can really max out the growing area. (Besides, the grass just has to be mowed anyway.) I'm going to test out the Square Foot Garden method and see how that goes. Stay tuned!

My trusty Park Seed Catalog all tabbed up! The order is in... planting starts soon!