Still playing catch-up! This past week marked the second major harvest of the Roma tomatoes. As you can see, we had quite a few - 9.5 Pounds! Crazy!!! Jason turned all these lovelies into sauce. We sampled it on Tuesday night for the first time and it was absolutely delicious! Made in the oven to caramelize and then run through a food mill to process out the skins. It has a wonderfully rich flavor. I'm hoping we can get enough to make a few more batches to keep us going over the fall/winter!

This week I also harvested the rest of the onions. I've got to say that I was relatively unimpressed by the onion production. They took FOREVER and even then only a very few of them ever really even amounted to much. In what can only be seen as a parallel to real life it actually turned out that the onions with the biggest and most impressive shoots and flower heads actually turned out to be the smallest ones of the harvest. As they say... "The people with the biggest drums don't always lead the band..." (Bonus points if you know where that saying actually comes from). For reference, each of the boards in the photo is about 5 inches wide...

And finally, the rest of the harvest continues rolling in as well. I did another batch of pickled peppers and zucchini bread in an attempt to stay ahead of the tide. It certainly has been a bountiful summer!

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