I took advantage of the projected warmer weather this week to go ahead and plant out some of the veggie seedlings that have been waiting in the wings for the past couple of months... This week looked pretty safe... with May 5th the projected last frost date, and temperatures projected in the mid 70's to low 80's I figured I'd risk it this past Sunday and go ahead and get them in the ground. Of course no sooner had I finished with the peppers and eggplants then my weather alert went off on my phone predicting frost.....
Tomatoes!!!! |
Yup... those are my tomatoes that started off as little seeds in the basement a couple of months ago! They got so big so fast I had to eventually up-pot some of them into 1 gallon containers! A few of these guys even have blossoms already! I'm hoping for a smooth transition and an early harvest!!!
Eggplants and Peppers |
The egg plants are also well established at this point! The peppers are not quite visible at the far end of this bed... A bit of a debacle with the peppers... For some reason I didn't label each individual pot when I re-potted them from the seed starting trays. I guess I thought I'd remember which was which... Yeah, not so much! Oh well... so much for my strict planning and organization in this bed.... it will just be a "mixture" of peppers!
Tomatoes planted and mulched |
Once everything was planted I mulched them in with straw. The open spaces are the turnips which are coming along nicely now. I kept the pots out for the night and used them to cover the tomatoes to protect them from the frost... Everything made it through the night without any issues! The only thing I realize now that I forgot was that I wanted to put some broken up egg shells in with each one for some calcium... but oh well! I'll have to just be sure to work some in.
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