I spent most of the time this week trimming up the never ceasing ivy plants and trying to tame the grape vines which never make grapes but insist on attempting to dominate the fence line and everything in a five foot radius. Not exactly the most photogenic of developments, so I figured I'd just give you a couple of visual updates. The photo at the left is of the two large pots along the street. If you remember (or visit older posts) these were originally planted with the red fountain grass and the red coreopsis. The coreopsis eventually bloomed themselves out and all I had left in there was the grass. One day we had a few sweet potatoes that had gone to sprout and I was taking them out to the compost and for some reason I decided to try just tucking them into the pots with the grass. Several weeks later, and they're growing like crazy. I'm really liking the combination of the green of the vines with all the red... probably the lowest maintenance effort of the year!

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