I'm not sure this counts as an official update... but I did want to post a few snaps of the not-as-edible sights around the garden as well lest you think there's nothing but wall-to-wall veggies around here these days!
(Left to right)
- My beautiful pink hydrangea... I've been trying to grow one for 3 years and have never been able to get one to bloom. This is a new plant this year and it seems to be quite happy!
- Really neat white and purple lilly.
- A mystery plant from Lowes... I believe its some sort of Dahlia.
- The salvia and pinks (and Grant) before they got flattened by the rain.

(Left to right)
- Amazing Bolero Pansies I started from seed. They are so beautiful on the deck.
- The reincarnated scotch broom in bloom. I replaced the pinkish one that was here with this lovely orange one after an unfortunate pruning incident left the old one too top heavy.
- Another mystery plant from Lowes... I believe its some sort of Dahlia as well... this one takes full sun like a champ...

(Left to right)
- The coreopsis' blooming in the pots along the road. I started these guys from seed and they're just blooming like crazy! There is also some purple fountain grass in there, but its all it can do to keep up with the coreopsis!
- The hostas... not blooming yet.... but thinking about it!
- The redesigned front bed. Two sky pencils and easy touch holly in the back and three roses in the front... The far corner is all that was left of the ground cover after I ripped out the three OVERGROWN arborvitae that were such an eyesore. I'm planning to let it fill back in across the front as a border.
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