So running a BIT late with the weekly update.... but decided I'd go ahead and post an update. Each week I'm planning to do just a short post about what's new from the previous week. This week... the new arrival is PEAS!!! Yum...

There have been blooms for a week or so and last week the first of this summer's sugar snap peas appeared!

They seem to be pretty happy!
They've outgrown their original supports which were about 5 feet tall. I've added another 5 ft bamboo stake to each of the supports, and as you can see the group on the right is already almost half way up that pole as well...
If you look closely you can ALMOST make out the cherry tomato vines growing up between the two pea towers. It's been quite a race to see which would win the race to the tops. The tomatoes took an early lead, but in the last two weeks the peas have really passed them up.
I've been traveling all week, but Jason reports that the peas that he's picked are delicious! Can't wait to try them when I get back! Turnips should be coming out this weekend as well! YUM!
Last week I planted another 4 tomato plants and 6 pepper plants to fill in spots vacated by the cool weather crops. A few more spaces are going to be vacated this weekend, so I'll have to come up with something else!
I've been using my compost from last year as I do the replanting. The stuff looks great, nice and rich! So far the new plants seem to love it!
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