Things continue to grow like crazy... We've been short on sunny days which would probably help things out even more... but even so the tomatoes are packed with fruit and the eggplants are loaded with blooms. After a relatively slow start the cucumbers too seem to be rallying... of course they tend to like the wet weather.
I had to spend part of the weekend attempting to tie up some of the tomato plants that have really just gone hog wild. The cherry tomatoes now TOWER over everything else at a good 8' tall if you can believe it! there are a ton of blooms, so we'll have to see how that turns out. (When they said indeterminate they meant it!) I've already got them staked as much as I can, so now its just about trying to keep them from flopping down on top of everything else. CRAZY!
Speaking of crazy... here's a current snapshot of the nasturtiums in all their glory taking over the obelisk in the center of the garden:

The obelisk is 8' tall... (about 7' above the level of the soil in the planter bed.) You can see the nasturtiums are quite happy! I planted a mix of plants, but it looks like all but one of them are the orange blossoms (one is yellow). Either way, they're very pretty, but need trimming EVERY week to keep them from just absolutely turning into a nightmare!
To the left of the nasturtiums you can see the towering tomato plants I mentioned above. Hard to tell from this perspective, but they really are about 8' tall!
Also in the front of the planter box you can just make out the small metal plant markers that I worked on installing in all of the beds and potted plants in the back garden. Nearly 120 in all. Mainly so that Jason can figure out what everything is :-)
The other new additions were out front. I replaced one burning bush that fell victim to an unfortunate weedwacking accident, and replaced the dying potted pines with some caladiums which will bring a bit of color to the area and also hopefully do better in the shade.

The former pines were re-potted and taken out back in hopes of rehabbing them before winter... We'll see!