Sunday, August 2, 2009

New This Week: July week 4

I was super excited to pull up the first of the summer harvest root veggies this week!

On the left are the first of the beautiful carrots. I've never grown carrots before, and I've heard that they can be tricky.
These guys performed like champs! This is just about one plot worth, I have three more to go, and I'm so excited! (for perspective, the boards on the deck are 6" wide... so you can see most of these guys are about 6 - 8" long. That's just about as long as they can get in the raised beds before bottoming out. The flavor is GREAT. Just perfect for snacking! I was so inspired I headed online and ordered up a bunch more seeds for next year!

On the right is the first batch of the onions. They're not all that big... about the side of a tennis ball probably... but they look good. I still have about a dozen more that I didn't pull yet... I'll let them get a bit bigger. They take FOREVER... I'm not sure if I"ll grow them again next year. For all of the time and space I don't know if it really pays off, but we'll see. These guys are going to get mixed in with some jalapenos and tomatoes for a nice salsa at some point this week!


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