Well the past weekend was a wash out... I did actually manage to mow the grass between showers on Saturday, but ended up inside all day on Sunday due to weather. Not the most enjoyable spring on record, but LUCKILY there's plenty to do inside too! If you haven't been keeping tabs, be sure to check out my other blog tracking the progress of our 1840 house renovation here: Between These Walls.
ANYWAY enough complaints about rain... these guy's don't seem to mind....
Hatchlings in the gutter. |
I got up on the ladder to try and fix one section of gutter on the back of the house and was surprised to find these little guys hanging out in the corner. I'm pretty sure they are baby turtle doves. We have a couple of pairs hanging out around the place. There are some robins and sparrows nesting in the vicinity as well, but from the looks of their beaks I'm thinking the are doves. Hopefully being at the end of the gutter they'll be staying pretty dry over the 5 days of rain this week... Fingers crossed.
In other news... just when we were thinking we were getting close to being done with nuisance rodents... this guy was spotted out back moseying around the yard...
Playing Possum |
Not the greatest photo. It was getting dark and raining (of course) but we managed to catch up with him in time to snap this photo while he headed off into the woods in the back. He seemed completely oblivious to us. In other news... there was a confirmed sighting of ANOTHER full-size groundhog in the yard. This one has a den somewhere near the windmill... so there will be more trapping to do apparently. Ahhhhh City Living!
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