As the days get shorter and the garden winds down, I'm finding that having interesting things to share on the blog is slowing down as well. One of the things that I enjoy so much about gardening watching the whole process come full circle. Last years plants were composted to feed this year's crop which grew from tiny seeds and fed us for month. Now they too have come to and end and are tossed in the compost bin to begin the cycle all over again. There are so few things in life that lend that sort of completeness and satisfaction. There's the sense that even though one thing has come to an end, it is only a matter of time before something new begins.
Fall is actually my favorite seasons of the year as everywhere you look there seem to be new and constantly changing displays of color. I'm thrilled this year to have finally managed to see the fruits of my efforts from last year come into their own and help celebrate the season.
Photos will have to follow later because something seems to be wrong with Blogger's upload tool at the moment. Stay tuned!!
I am with you on fall... keep writing... you'll have to find some other topics; i vote for christmas decorating blogging...