Lots happening as we finally got a break in the weather! We didn't end up with any tomatoes ripe in time for the fourth, but we did get another big bunch of green beans and of course a never ending flow of peas. Yum!
New this week, the first harvest of banana peppers, a couple of them are pretty big:

This is the first year I've grown them, so I wasn't exactly sure how to decide when to harvest,
but everything I read said to go ahead and pick them as soon as they turn from green to the pale yellow color which you see here, so here's hoping! Picking the peppers early enough means that the plants will continue to bear more peppers throughout the season.
Also new this week was a first (small) picking of one of the types of bush beans. Just a handful, but they look delicious:

Its a bit difficult to see from the photo, but these beans are actually a very deep purple in color. I've never seen them in stores, but its a variety that has been around for a long time. Since Jason loves both beans and the color purple I thought it would be a great match!
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