Well, the longer I sit around and wait on the weather the more time I have to think and re-think the actual plans for the garden. I liked the space that the original plan gave, but I really wasn't crazy about the aesthetics of 9 big boxes of dirt in the yard.
I tinkered around with the layout after having the brilliant epiphany that there's not really any need to keep the existing bed int he back of the garden. I can actually incorporate that space into the plan for the new raised bed garden. (Of course when cleaning up the yard today I discovered that all of the crocuses are already pushing through back there, but I think I'll just try and re-locate them.)
The new look actually gives an additional 22 square feet of space and has a much more aesthetically pleasing look (I think!). The space between the two beds at the top which is now labeled "existing bed" will actually be the site of a small fountain, and the space between the two beds at the left will probably be devoted to a bench. In the center octagon the birdbath is gone and will be replaced by a yet to be located focal feature. Some form that will be a trellis for some nice climbing vines.
This new arrangement also makes it much easier to run the drip irrigation, so that should be a bonus! Now all I have to do is re-plot all of the planting locations for everything. Hopefully I can manage that tomorrow around homework and other projects!
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